Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The "Tea Party" Does Not Exist

By now, those who are interested, know of the CBS-New York Times Poll on "Tea Party" members. Without rehashing all the numbers we can come to the conclusion that they are older (45 & over), well off financially ($50,000 + a year), male, well educated (at least some college)and white.

So it seems that they are Republicans, right? So why not just call them what they are? It is odd that the media, talk radio, and the like call them "Tea Party" members. They are Republicans, straight up. There is no Tea Party movement, there is a Republican Protest Movement who are angry with the current administration and some of their own members (but mostly the current administration).

They took a page from the Left, who are more well known for protesting; the Sixties, The Bush years, Equal Rights, immigration, ect. The Republicans have finally embraced protesting, and God Bless Them. The "Tea Partiers" are well organized and financed and have that right. I'm just tired of everyone still calling them Tea Party members and not Republicans. It is like they are embarrassed to be called what they are.

I may not share your opposition to Obama, but I support your right to freedom of speech. So go ahead and march away, but don't try and tell us this is the Country's outrage, it is just your party's outrage.

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